Yesterday, I spent several hours working on the shawl I'm knitting. Something told me to take a measurement and see if I was going to have enough yarn to finish since I made some modifications to the pattern size. Well, sure enough, I wasn't going to have enough. So, I took the lot number down off the wrapper and went to
Hobby Lobby to see if by any chance they had more since it has been over three weeks since I bought this yarn. BTW, it was
Lion Brand Homespun. Well, lucky me, they had some in the same dye lot. So I bought one more. I headed for home excited that I might be able to finish the shawl in the next few days. When I got home and sat the new yarn next to the old yarn, I saw that it wasn't the same color at all and rechecked the lot numbers....yep, same lot. Then I noticed extra tails sticking out from under the wrapper. I slid the wrapper off and underneath the wrapper, not visible until you removed the wrapper, was about 20 yards of an entirely different color yarn. We're talking major difference. This yarn was peach colored and I'm using the Tudor color. I was so mad! So I had to drive all the way back to Hobby Lobby to exchange the yarn. This time I took along what yarn I had left AND my shawl just to be sure it matched. I showed the yarn to the manager and she told me that someone else had returned some of the same yarn recently and for the same reason. The manager was soooo nice and I really liked her. She was very interested in what I was making and made the whole deal much better. Now I'm off to finish that shawl.